Many People of Colour and People of Faith climbing on or resting against or near colourful abstract shapes.


The Switchboard QTIBPoC (Queer,Trans, Intersex and Bla(c)k and/or People of Colour) program aims to enhance understanding and build equity for LGBTIQA+ people who are People of Colour and People of Faith.

QTIBPoC Advisory Committee 2022

Our anti-racism work is guided by our QTIBPoC Advisory Committee. Each member comes with a unique combination of both professional and personal experiences and provides insight into the needs of the QTIBPoC communities.



Switchboard’s QTIBPoC Program have ongoing workshops and community hangouts for our QTIBPoC family. These will help to address some of the lasting impacts of COVID-19 on our communities and will work to promote resilience and positive mental health and wellbeing.

For more info and booking, visit EventBrite

Diagram describing the spectrum of racism from "casual racism, microaggressions", to "Indirect discrimination", to "Institutional, structural and systemic racism", to "direct discrimination", to "hate crimes".

The Spectrum Of Racism

No one in our community should have to put up with any form of discrimination.

If you’ve experienced racism or other unfair treatment, we are here to help. Keep scrolling to access a quick and easy way for you to report any instances of racism or other discrimination that you’ve experienced or witnessed.

reporting tool

At Switchboard, we understand community members experience racism and other acts of discrimination. It can cause serious harm to individuals and silences communities, often leaving people feeling isolated and marginalised.

We’ve partnered with the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission to implement their Community Reporting Tool – a quick and easy way for you to report any instances of racism or other discrimination that you’ve experienced or witnessed.

Reports made by the tool are sent securely and confidentially to the Commission. When you make a report, you can do so anonymously or ask the Commission to contact you if you want further information about your rights or how you can make a complaint.

If you would like to speak with someone to discuss and process an incident, Switchboard’s Qlife and Rainbow Door team are available.

No one in our community should have to put up with any form of discrimination. Let’s work together to make a safer, more inclusive community.


Access information on how to report racism in different languages.

We know there are often language barriers for those who may be most at risk of racism receiving information about their rights and how to get help. To overcome this, the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission have partnered with the National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters' Council to produce 24 in-language “How to Report Racism” audio clips.
Each clip describes what racism is, and provides information on how, and why, to report racism and access assistance from the Commission.

When Love Wins Podcast

When Love Wins is a podcast produced by Switchboard. It shares with us stories of the Australian marriage postal survey from the perspective of queer and trans people of colour. When Love Wins invites us to listen to stories that will unsettle the glamour around the 2017 yes vote for same-sex marriage. You’ll hear stories of love, triumph, family and culture.

Professional development and training


Switchboard use an approach taken from Racial Literacy and Anti-Racist organising to inform our professional development, community consultation and recruitment. Through this practice, we aim to create a safer and genuinely equitable environment for everybody participating at Switchboard.

The QTIBPoC Program can offer tailored professional development and training on the following topics:

  • LGBTIQA+ multicultural and multi faith cultural competency

  • Anti-racism and racial literacy

  • Intersectionality

  • Self-reflexivity on power and inequality

  • Equity and affirmative action approaches

Our Program Coordinator is available for consultations and can review training packages upon request.

An illustration of a person in a wheelchair looking at their phone, a person sitting on the ground typing on their computer and a cat next to them.

We are dedicated to creating a safer and genuinely equitable environment for everybody at Switchboard.

Need more information?


For further information please contact:
Greg Rincon
QTIBPoC Programs Manager - Switchboard Victoria
Phone: 0429 159 098